Monday, May 28, 2012

Paper Pop-Ups

Delightful Paper Pop-Ups by Jenny Chen
Delightful Paper Pop Ups by Jenny Chen pop ups paper illustration design animation
Delightful Paper Pop Ups by Jenny Chen pop ups paper illustration design animation
Delightful Paper Pop Ups by Jenny Chen pop ups paper illustration design animation
Delightful Paper Pop Ups by Jenny Chen pop ups paper illustration design animation
Delightful Paper Pop Ups by Jenny Chen pop ups paper illustration design animation

Portland-based designer and art director Mengyu Chen is currently working on a new comic book and has mocked up some experimental pop-ups of her own design. The ideas and execution are really quite spectacular and I can’t wait to see the finished product. (via tuh dah)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

'The Forty Story': Pentagram Turns 40, Boasts Charmingly (VIDEO)

Pentagram was founded on June 12, 1972, and turns 40 this year. To celebrate the occasion we’ve created a short film that tells the story of a boy born on the day Pentagram opened and how his life has been tracked (and kerned) by four decades of Pentagram design.

You may not have heard of the design agency Pentagram, but if you've seen a Nissan billboard, a Tiffany's bag or an episode of "The Daily Show" since 2005, you know its work. For better or worse, the transatlantic design consultancy has significantly affected the look of the world -- designing logos (or redesigning ones much to some people's despair), public spaces, and even "new identities" for some of the world's largest companies.

No surprise, Pentagrammers are no slouches at marketing themselves. To draw attention to the company's 40th birthday this June, the London office released a clever piece of self-congratulation -- a reel of Pentagram's most recognizable work set to the story of a fictional boy born 40 years ago. As you watch "The Forty Story," be sure to listen for the sound of ad executives around the world slapping their foreheads at not having thought of this earlier.